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On July 15, ILIND's Executive Director, Ana Cunha, attended the Coordination Meeting with Third Partners Countries, organized by the Deep Technology Laboratory (DeepTechLab) of Lusófona University.

The project on the detection of abuse, in which Universidade Lusófona participates, has received funding from Horizon Europe.

The Lusófona University team, in the SERENA project - Assessing and improving access to health and social care Services for children RENdered vulnerable by Abuse, will be led by HEI-Lab researcher Diogo Lamela.

The project ‘The coordination of team boundaries as a process promoting sustainable innovation in Antarctica’ has been accepted into the Portuguese Polar Programme. This research project will be a collaboration between Lusófona University (Portugal), represented by Professor Pedro Quinteiro-Lopes, the University of Zurich (Switzerland), the University of Central Florida (USA) and the Federal University of Minas Gerais (Brazil).

Lusófona University submitted 12 projects to the Erasmus Mundus program, of which 1 Erasmus Mundus Joint Master's Degree (EMJM) and 3 Erasmus Mundus Design Measures (EMDM) were approved. In addition, RESOUND-EMDM was placed on the reserve list.

Lusófona University participates in the MSCA Doctoral Networks called INtervention on the DEterminants of, and Expertise in, Physical activity behaviors (INDEEP), through Research group in Sports behavior, Physical Education, and Exercise and Health Sciences (CIDEFES). 

Lusófona University submitted 4 applications to Horizon Europe's HORIZON-CL2-2024-TRANSFORMATIONS-01 call, 2 of which were approved.

On 27 May, at 3pm., ILIND promoted the ‘Horizon Europe’ training course online, with the main focus on Pillar I and WIDERA, which was attended by 60 participants.

Universidade Lusófona was internationally recognized for its innovative research into food safety in ready-to-eat (RTE) products, with a focus on the practical application of the results obtained.

On 10 May, at 3pm, ILIND promoted the training "National Funding Programmes", which was attended by 10 participants in an online format.