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ULusófona Law School Gets Erasmus+ Support for Jean Monnet Module

The Faculty of Law of Lusófona University, Centro Universitário de Lisboa, will receive financial support from the Erasmus+ program for the management of a Jean Monnet Module. The research project, called "Data. PT", aims to promote the study of data regulation and the European Union's public policies in this area.

Lusófona University coordinates four projects approved by Erasmus Mundus

Lusófona University submitted 12 projects to the Erasmus Mundus program, of which 1 Erasmus Mundus Joint Master's Degree (EMJM) and 3 Erasmus Mundus Design Measures (EMDM) were approved. In addition, RESOUND-EMDM was placed on the reserve list.

Lusófona University participates in 2 projects approved by Horizon Europe

Lusófona University submitted 4 applications to Horizon Europe's HORIZON-CL2-2024-TRANSFORMATIONS-01 call, 2 of which were approved.

INDEEP – MSCA Doctoral Networks receives Horizon Europe funding

Lusófona University participates in the MSCA Doctoral Networks called INtervention on the DEterminants of, and Expertise in, Physical activity behaviors (INDEEP), through Research group in Sports behavior, Physical Education, and Exercise and Health Sciences (CIDEFES). 


    Unidades de Investigação Research Units

    Research Center for Biosciences & Health Technologies
    Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Education and Development
    Centre for Research in Applied Communication, Culture, and New Technologies
    Digital Laboratories for Environments and Human Interactions
    Francisco Suárez Center for Advanced Studies in Law
    Lusófona Centre on Global Challenges

    Pólos de UI&Ds Research Units

    Pólo Universidade LusófonaUI&DEntidade Gestão PrincipalEntidade de Gestão Secundária / Instituição Participante
    Universidade do Porto COFAC/Universidade Lusófona


    COFAC/Universidade Lusófona
    Untitled design Associação do Instituto Superior Técnico para a Investigação e o Desenvolvimento COFAC/Universidade Lusófona
    Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro COFAC/Universidade Lusófona
    Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro COFAC/Universidade Lusófona

    Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra

    COFAC/Universidade Lusófona
    Universidade de Lisboa COFAC/Universidade Lusófona

    Grupos de Investigação Autónomos Autonomous Research Groups

    Design Research Group
    Bioengineering and Sustainability Research Group