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Ethics Committee


The Ethics Committee of the Lusófona Institute for Research and Development was formed in 2017 with a view to assessing ethical issues and issuing opinions in the context of research activities/projects.

The Ethics Committee aims to promote and enhance the ethical standards of ILIND and the UI&D of ULHT/ ULP, and is responsible for drawing up proposals, opinions and recommendations on ethical issues.

Ordem de Serviço Nº. 97/2017 – Criação da Comissão de Ética (PT)


PhD. Luís Cláudio Ribeiro

Design sem nome 5

PhD. João Borges da Cunha

Professor Doutor Joao Guilherme Feliciano da Costa 225

PhD. João Guilherme Feliciano da Costa

Despacho Nº. 1/2019 - Substituição de Membro da CE (PT) Despacho Nº. 1/2017 - Nomeação de Membros da CE (PT)

Submission of Requests for Opinions

Requests for an opinion from ILIND's Ethics Committee should be submitted by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

All documents that support or corroborate the request (for example, informed consent texts, application scripts and questionnaire scripts) must be sent as an attachment, preferably in PDF format.

The Ethics Committee's opinions and recommendations must be issued within a maximum of thirty working days from the date of submission of the application to the EC.

Ethics Form