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Research Incentives

Securing funding for the R&D initiatives is one of the key factors for the success of a science policy. In this context, Lusófona University regularly seeks to attract funding, be it from national public sources, like FCT or the P2020 programme, or from European programmes such as H2020, Erasmus+, and Creative Europe, or also from national and European private entities with which it partners in R&D and knowledge transfer initiatives.


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FAZER+ is a Science and Innovation Support Program that aims to support and reward activities and projects that strengthen the research and innovation capacity of Lusófona educational establishments.

Seed Funding

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The Seed Funding programme was created by ILIND with the aim of supporting and rewarding activities and projects that reinforce interdisciplinarity and cross-fertilisation between different areas of knowledge.

Capacitation Grant for Science Managers

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Capacitation Grant aims to stimulate the professional development and support the continuous learning of science managers at Ensino Lusófona.

National Funding

Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

The Foundation undertakes a vast activity in Portugal and abroad, within the framework of its statutory purposes, through direct initiatives, subsidies and scholarships. It has an Orchestra and a Choir, which perform throughout the year within the scope of a regular season; it hosts solo and collective exhibitions of Portuguese and foreign artists; it organizes international conferences, symposiums, courses; it awards subsidies and scholarships for specialist studies and doctorates in Portugal and abroad; it supports programmes and projects of a scientific, educational and artistic nature; it carries out an intense publishing activity, especially through the publishing of university textbooks; it promotes and stimulates projects to aid development in Portuguese-speaking African countries and East Timor; it fosters the Portuguese culture abroad; it carries out a programme to preserve evidence of the Portuguese presence in the world.

FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology

FCT’s mission is to promote continuously the advancement of knowledge in science and technology in Portugal, exploring opportunities that emerge in all scientific and technological domains, so as to attain the highest international standards of knowledge production, as well as stimulating its dissemination and contributing to the improvement of education, health and environment, to the quality of living and the wellbeing of all citizens.

PT2020 - Portugal 2020

This is the PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT signed between Portugal and the European Commission, which gathers the action of the 5 European Structural and Investment Funds - FEDER, Cohesion Fund, ESF, EAFRD and EMFF. It sets out the programming principles that define the economic, social and territorial development policy to be promoted in Portugal between 2014 and 2020. These programming principles are aligned with the Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth pursued by the EUROPA 2020 STRATEGY. Portugal will be awarded 25 billion euros until 2020, and for this it set out the Thematic Goals to stimulate the growth and the creation of Employment, the necessary interventions to achieve them as well as the undertakings and the expected outcomes as a result of this funding.

QREN – Quadro De Referência Estratégico Nacional

QREN (National Strategic Reference Framework, in the Portuguese acronym) elected as the key strategic purpose the qualification of the Portuguese, enhancing knowledge, science, technology and innovation, as well as the promotion of higher, sustainable levels of economic and socio-cultural development, and territorial qualification, within a framework of appreciation of equal opportunities and the increased efficiency and quality of public institutions. Pursuing this major strategic purpose is ensured by having all operational Programmes, with the support of Structural Fuds and the Cohesion Fund, in the 2007-2013 period, implement three fundamental Thematic Operational Agendas, focusing on three key areas of intervention, the human potential, the competitiveness factors of the economy, and the appreciation of the territory:

International Funding

"La Caixa" Foundation

The “la Caixa” Foundation is a non-profit organization which has been working daily to ensure a more egalitarian society since the 20 th century, fighting inequalities and promoting the wellbeing of society, in general, and, in particular, of the more disadvantaged communities. The “la Caixa” Foundation, which in 2018 decided to expand its activity to Portugal, supports projects in the social area, through initiatives aimed at helping the more needy, also supporting research and science dissemination, education and culture, such important elements for the advancement of society.

COST – European Cooperation in The Field Of Scientific and Technical Research


COST’s mission is to strengthen scientific and technical research in Europe by supporting cooperation and interaction among European researchers. Its goal is to maximise European synergy and added-value in non-competitive, pre- normative research. The funds made available by COST support the coordination costs of research networks (Actions), the research of which is funded nationally.


The Ibero-Americano Programme on Science and Technology for Development (CYTED) was created in 1984 through an Inter-Institutional Agreement signed by 19 countries in Latin America, Spain and Portugal. CYTED is defined as an inter-governmental programme for multilateral cooperation in Science and Technology, which comprehends different perspectives and visions to foster cooperation in research and innovation for the development of the Ibero- American region.

Erasmus PLUS

The ERASMUS + programme aims to overcome the current European crisis, bridging the socio-economic gaps Europe is facing in the present decade, namely the social disintegration and inequality, especially among the youth. Through initiatives in the fields of education, training, youth and sport, it aims to boostgrowth and development of jobs, as well as train workers capable of undertaking them, taking special care to create funding and mobility opportunities.

Horizon Europe

Research and innovation funding programme until 2027. How to get funding, programme structure, missions, European partnerships, news and events. WHAT IS HORIZON EUROPE? Horizon Europe is the EU’s key funding programme for research and innovation, and has a budget of € 95.5 billion. It tackles climate changes, helps achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, and fosters the EU’s competitiveness and growth. The programme facilitates collaboration and reinforces the impact of research and innovation on the development, support and implementation of EU policies, while addressing global challenges. It supports the creation and wider dissemination of excellent knowledge and technologies. It creates employment, fully engages the EU’s talent pool, drives economic growth and industrial competitiveness, and optimises investment impact in a strengthened European Research Area. Legal entities from the EU and associated countries are eligible to participate.