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Lusófona University coordinates four projects approved by Erasmus Mundus

Lusófona University submitted 12 projects to the Erasmus Mundus program, of which 1 Erasmus Mundus Joint Master's Degree (EMJM) and 3 Erasmus Mundus Design Measures (EMDM) were approved. In addition, RESOUND-EMDM was placed on the reserve list.

EMJMs are prestigious international master's degrees designed and delivered jointly by a group of higher education institutions.

The EMDM action is part of the excellence partnerships of the Erasmus+ Program 2021-2027 and aims to support the development of new innovative and integrated transnational study programs of excellence at master's level.

Both typologies involve at least three institutions from at least three different countries and several associated partners from the academic and non-academic world.

The approved projects were:

  • HYGIEIA: Erasmus Mundus Joint Master;

The Health and Well-being Across the Lifespan project, coordinated by CBIOS researchers Catarina Rosado and Ana Sofia Fernandes, aims to create an innovative master's degree in the area of health and well-being. Through this training, professionals can acquire scientific knowledge and skills using non-pharmacological approaches, namely through nutritional and lifestyle education and the use of non-drug products such as cosmetics or food supplements.

The Consortium includes the University of Belgrade (Serbia) and the University of the Balearic Islands (Spain) as academic partners, and other stakeholders from academia, SMEs, medical societies and healthcare providers.

The Structural Health Monitoring of Civil Infrastructure (SHM) project is coordinated by CRGroup researcher Elói Figueiredo. SHM refers to the implementation of monitoring systems to detect and identify damage to infrastructures (e.g. bridges) and road sidewalks at an early stage through the real-time measurement of structural responses.

  • European Master’s in Human Sexology, Erasmus Mundus Design Measures;

The European Master's in Human Sexology is an HEI-Lab project coordinated by researcher Patrícia Pascoal that aims to promote a European master's degree, EMSEX, which will be transdisciplinary, accepting graduates in any scientific area so that they have contact with human sexuality issues and acquire applied research skills. The consortium is made up of the Lusófona University, the University of Malmö and the University of Almeria.

  • BICOREP, Erasmus Mundus Design Measures.

The project Developing a Bioinformatics in Clinical Research and Public Health Master's Program is coordinated by researcher Tiago Reis, from IPLuso, and aims to respond to the evolution of healthcare needs in Europe by developing a Master's degree focused on bioinformatics, clinical research and public health.