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Human Dynamics at Envihab (HD-ENVI)

This project aims to gain a deeper understanding about the relationship between crew members’ mental health, stress, and crew dynamics and performance, during a long-duration isolation and confinement space analog mission. 

HD-ENVI continuous previous work from our research team during the HD-ICE project at the Concordia and Belgrano research stations. With HD-ENVI, our goal is to continue examining the applicability of wearable sensor technology and team reflexivity as psychosocial tools to monitor and promote mental health, cohesion, and performance during long duration isolation and confinement, in the context of ESA’s 100-isolation study. This is a unique opportunity for our research team, since collecting data during this mission would allow us to compare data from isolation and confinement studies conducted in controlled (Envihab) vs. extreme (Concordia) environments. What is more, we will explore if and how the occurrence of critical incidents and the temporal evolution of stress levels (Salivary Stress Markers) relate with changes in crew members’ mental health, and crew dynamics and performance during the mission. If possible, participants will be the 6 crew members involved in the mission. Data collection will be performed using sociometric badge technology, and saliva samples and psychological surveys from the Isolation Standard Measures. In line with preliminary evidence from our previous work at the Concordia research station, we anticipate that the sensory data, gathered through sociometric badge technology, will richly describe the individual and interpersonal dynamics of the crew, as well as allow the research team to use social network analysis to establish a correlation between sensory data, stress (new research variable in our research protocol), and survey data, and further determine the viability of the wearable sensor technology, and team reflexivity as viable tools and strategies to enable long-duration human space flight.  



  • Full Name: Pedro Marques Quinteiro Fernandes da Silva

Institution: Universidade Lusófona – Centro Universitário de Lisboa

Position: Associate Professor, Human Resources Management Department, School of Economic Sciences and Organizations

Mailing Address: Universidade Lusófona – Centro Universitário de Lisboa. Campo Grande 376. 1749-024 Lisboa. Portugal.

Email Address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone Number: (+351) 915264900



Provide the below details for each member:

  • Full Name: Jan B. Schmutz

Institution: University of Zürich

Position: Associate Professor

Mailing Address: University of Zürich, Department of Psychology, Applied Team Research Lab. Binzmühlestrasse 14. CH-8050 Zurich.

Email Address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone Number: (+41) 446357244

  • Full Name: Andrea Cantisani

Institution: Sanatorium Kilchberg

Position: MD,

Mailing Address: Sanatorium Kilchberg, Alte Landstrasse 70, 8802 Kilchberg, CH

Email Address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone Number (+41) 447164464

  • Full Name: Ciro Cattuto

Institution: University of Turin; ISI Foundation

Position: Professor at the University of Turin; Director at ISI Foundation

Mailing Address: ISI Foundation, via Chisola 5, 10126 Torino, Italy.

Email Address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone Number: (+39 011 660 3090)