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General Questions

1. What is ILIND's role?
  • Promote research and development (R&D) and disseminate knowledge in the various scientific areas under its responsibility;
  • Promote national and international scientific exchange;
  • Contribute to obtaining logistical and financial resources for R&D activities;
  • Validation of the contractual objectives to be assigned to the R&D activity;
  • Encouraging the presentation of interdisciplinary projects;
  • Creating scientific and cultural extension networks and providing services to the community.

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2. How do I receive information about events, news and funding?

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You can subscribe by entering your e-mail address in the blank space and clicking on the ‘Subscribe’ button at the bottom of the main page of the ILIND website.

3. What are the research support services?

Lusófona University's R&D activities are supported by various structures that provide support services to the scientific community.

  • ILIND - Lusophone Institute for Research and Development

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  • PMO - Project Management Office

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  • Library, Archives and Documentation

General Contact

Tel.: + 351 21 751 55 00 - Ext. 711 and 713


  • GAI - University Innovation Support Office

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  • GABI - University International Relations Support Office

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4. What are Lusófona University's Research and Development Centers?

Universidade Lusófona has 13 Research and Development Units, spread across all the University's schools and faculties.

  • BioRG - Bioengineering and Sustainability Research Group

Coordinator: Adília Charmier

BioRG is an interdisciplinary team that promotes research innovation in bioengineering and sustainability through academic and industrial collaborations.

  • CBIOS - Biosciences and Health Technologies Research Centre

Coordinator: Luis António Monteiro Rodrigues

CBIOS, the Centre for Research in Biosciences and Health Technologies was created in 2011 as an R&D structure of COFAC/Universidade Lusófona with the purpose of creating and promoting knowledge in health sciences. As part of our vision, CBIOS develops Integrated Health Strategies to support the progress of Lusophone societies.

Funded by FCT

  • CeiED - Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Education and Development

Coordinator: António Teodoro

The Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Education and Development (CeiED) is an R&D unit set up at Universidade Lusófona - Centro Universitário de Lisboa in the areas of Education, Heritage, Human Development and Museology.

Funded by FCT

  • CEAD - Francisco Suárez Centre for Advanced Studies in Law

Coordinator: José Francisco de Faria Costa

CEAD Francisco Suárez is an organic research unit in Law, shared by the Faculty of Law of the Lusófona University - CUL, the Faculty of Law and Political Science of the Lusófona University - CUP, and the Department of Law and Social Sciences of the Manuel Teixeira Gomes Higher Institute. CEAD has its headquarters on the campus of Universidade Lusófona - Centro Universitário de Lisboa and two centres, one at Universidade Lusófona - Centro Universitário do Porto and the other at Instituto Superior Manuel Teixeira Gomes (ISMAT).

  • CICANT - Centre for Research in Applied Communication, Culture and New Technologies

Coordination: Manuel José Damásio, José Gomes Pinto and Maria José Brites

The Centre for Research in Applied Communication, Culture and New Technologies (CICANT) is the result of the combined efforts of researchers in these areas at Lusófona University (Lisbon and Porto), working towards the goal of creating an autonomous research unit that will enable the research activities carried out at the centre to be integrated and enhanced. It promotes theoretical and applied research at the intersection of media, society, literacies, arts, culture and technologies. CICANT stands out due to the solid theoretical and applied nature of its studies and knowledge transfer initiatives geared towards teaching and research activities.

Funded by FCT

  • CRGroup - Civil Research Group

Coordinator: Elói Figueiredo

The Civil Research Group has focused on five research topics: structural health monitoring, hygrothermal behaviour of buildings, sustainable building materials, materials and design of ecological road infrastructures, and nature-based solutions.

  • COPELABS - Research Centre for People-Centred Computing and Cognition

Coordinator: Marko Beko

COPELABS is a research unit of the Lusófona University, originally established as a new unit in Portugal, having received the classification of ‘Good’ in the last FCT evaluation (2018), in the category of small multidisciplinary unit.

Funded by FCT

  • Design ID - Design Research Group

Coordinator: Alexandra Cruchinho

  • Hei-LAB - Human Environment Interaction Lab

Coordinator: Pedro Gamito

HEI-Lab - Human-Environment Interaction Lab is an R&D unit at Lusófona University. We develop, apply and converge knowledge from Psychology, Information and Computer Sciences, as well as Media and Communications in a transdisciplinary scientific perspective that aims to push the boundaries of excellence in the study of human-involved bidirectional interaction. The HEI-Lab infrastructures in Lisbon and Porto provide access to state-of-the-art equipment and software, including eye-trackers, psychophysiology devices, motion capture systems, EEG, fNIRS, software for analysing facial expressions, VR headsets, and a VR-based biofeedback system. Based on solid scientific foundations and innovative scientific methods, the results are translated into social, educational and healthcare contexts, with considerable societal impact.

  • I-MVET - Research in Veterinary Medicine at Universidade Lusófona

Coordinator: Laurentina Pedroso

I-MVET comprises the research staff of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Lusófona University. The scientific and technological activities developed at I-MVET focus on important and innovative aspects of research in the areas of Welfare, Clinical, Biomedical Sciences and One Health.

  • IntrepidLab - Research for Business and Society

Coordinator: Diana Dias

The Intrepid Lab is a Centre of CETRAD, which includes FCESE, ECEO and ISMAT, and whose main facilities are located on the Porto campus of Lusófona University.

The Intrepid Lab is a transdisciplinary management research centre that aims to collaborate with the scientific and business community to develop research projects with scientific and societal relevance. The centre currently has 10 integrated researchers, 3 integrated young researchers, 8 integrated doctoral students, and 40 collaborating members involved in research projects supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology, the José Neves Foundation, EDULOG- Belmiro de Azevedo Foundation, the European Space Agency, and the Horizon Europe programme.

  • LusoGlobe - Global Challenges Research Centre

Coordinator: António Costa Pinto

  • RCM2+ - Asset Management and Systems Engineering Research Centre

Coordinator: José Oliveira Santos

The Asset Management and Systems Engineering Research Centre is made up of a multidisciplinary team of around two dozen researchers with academic and professional experience in the fields of engineering, economics, management and sustainability, using scientific methods of decision support, optimisation, forecasting, simulation, statistics, mathematics and artificial intelligence, and with experience in their application in a wide variety of industries, including production, health, the environment, retail, transport, energy and public services.

  • Terr.A.ID - Territory, Architecture and Environment Research Centre

Coordinator: Carlos Guimarães

The TerrA.ID Research Group is organised around practice-oriented research that investigates the urgent conditions of our time with regard to architecture and the built environment.

Our aim is to provide society, from a wide range of backgrounds, with tools for carrying out spatial research and critical analysis on issues of conflict, media, ecology and territorial studies. TerrA.ID is home to theoretical and practical research based on doctoral, master's and activist academic relations with society.


5. How can I join an R&D Center?

You should contact the director of the center in your area of interest directly to find out about the requirements and formalities.

6. What laboratory infrastructures support research?

Lusófona University provides its researchers with 52 work infrastructures, divided between 28 Classroom Laboratories and 20 Research Laboratories at the Lisbon University Centre, and the remaining 4 Classroom and Research Laboratories at the Porto University Centre.

These laboratories, which have more than 190 pieces of equipment, are:

Centre for Research in Biosciences and Health Technologies (CBIOS);
Centre for Research and Development in Industrial Engineering, Management and Sustainability (EIGES) - laboratories D.1.12, D.3.1 and D.3.2 belonging to the European Research Project - DeepTech Lab - CATCHER (FE);
BioRG - Biomedical Research Group - Laboratories D.1.14 and D.1.15 (FE);
Beer Production Unit - Laboratory E.2.1 (FE);
Clinical Analyses and Histopathology Laboratory (FMV);
Marine Biology Research Laboratory -T.03 (EPCV).

7. Can I access electronic resources via my personal computer outside the university campus?

Yes, from WebVPN access, with the Lusófona University student or lecturer login, using the following address: (for further instructions, please consult the following manual available here).

8. What resources does the ULusófona Library offer?

Through its libraries, Universidade Lusófona has paper resources as well as electronic resources, including the online bibliographic catalogue, reference and full-text databases, which can be consulted on the Library's website,

The reference databases include:

  • B-On;
  • EBSCO;
  • Scopus;
  • WebOfScience
9. Is there an Ethics Committee?

Yes, there is an Ethics Committee (EC) at the Lusophone Institute for Research and Development (ILIND). The purpose of this Committee is to promote and enhance the ethical standards of ILIND and UI&D, and it is responsible for drawing up proposals, opinions and recommendations on ethical issues. To contact this Commission, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Read More Here.

10. Does COFAC have a Gender and Diversity Plan?

Yes, COFAC currently has a Gender and Diversity Plan.

You can acess it here.

11. Is the Science Vitae mandatory?

Yes. Joint Order No. 6/2020 defines the use of the FCT Platform, Science Vitae, as the only repository for collecting and managing the curricular information of the Lusófona Group's teachers and researchers.

The use of this platform has become imperative in our institution since 31 March 2020.

The aim is to define a single repository for the management of teachers' curricular information, which is easy to update and makes all the scientific production of each teacher and researcher available.

Including for the evaluation and accreditation of institutions and study programmes.

12. Does ULusófona publicise funding opportunities?

ILIND organises several "Open Days" dedicated exclusively to funding opportunities and application support. Registration takes place via the employee portal. In addition, ILIND publishes its fortnightly newsletter, which publicises funding opportunities, events and news about the Lusophone community.

14. What intramural funding opportunities are available?

COFAC currently has two internal initiatives to increase and/or encourage research:

  • Seed Funding Programme ILIND

The aim of this competition is to stimulate the development of research activities and excellence among researchers from the Lusófona Group's research and development units (UI&Ds), funded by the FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology. It is intended to fund innovative exploratory projects, preferably with a strong interdisciplinary component in any area of knowledge that could result in larger-scale projects to be submitted for funding from other organisations, led and presented by PhD researchers who are part of the UI&Ds.

  • Fazer + Programme: Science and Innovation Support Programme
  1. The "Excellence in Research" competition to support research and innovation projects in Lusophone education, through the provision of a fund to support R&D projects with an innovative and interdisciplinary nature that promote collaboration in this field between lecturers and doctoral or master's students from the HEIs involved.
  2. The "Best innovative pedagogical practice" award to support the development and implementation of innovative pedagogical practices that encourage experimentation and transversal and group work in curricular units of any training cycle.
  3. The "Good research practices in teaching" award to encourage the integration of R&D activities into the content of curricular units in any cycle of training, with particular emphasis on the initial cycles where it is important to stimulate new research practices in all the multiplicity of forms that this can and should take today.