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Lusófona University wins 4 COST - European Cooperation in Science and Technology actions

Lusófona University submitted 5 applications to COST - European Cooperation in Science and Technology, 4 of which were approved.

COST - European Cooperation in Science and Technology is a programme that funds transnational collaboration activities, in networks of researchers with open access, in all scientific and technological fields. 

COST promotes the development of scientific knowledge and strengthens Europe's leadership in R&TD. With an inclusive policy, this programme stands out for supporting young researchers and promoting a collaborative environment for developing ideas. At the same time, it contributes to the integration of scientific communities and maximises national investment in R&TD, helping to unify knowledge in Europe.

COFAC participates as coordinator in two COST Actions, led by CeiED (Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Education and Development) and TerrA.ID (Centre for Research in Territory, Architecture and Environment), with the theme "Connecting Critical Pedagogies, Inclusive Art Forms and Alternative Barometers for Urban Sustainability" and "Climate change impacts on mental health in Europe", respectively. In addition, COFAC is participating in two other COST projects approved in this cycle, submitted by CeiED and HEI-Lab (Digital Laboratories for Human Environments and Interactions).

Critical Perspectives on Career and Career Guidance involves 29 countries, with Norway as the proponent country. This project aims to explore changes in careers in the contemporary world and the necessary responses from public policy and practice. The CPCCG will promote collaboration between COST member countries, neighbouring countries and international partners, with an emphasis on supporting researchers from smaller states, and will facilitate the exchange of knowledge between researchers, practitioners and policymakers.

Connecting Critical Pedagogies, Inclusive Art Forms and Alternative Barometers for Urban Sustainability, which involves 16 countries, is a network led by the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Education and Development (CeiED)/Lusófona University, within the framework of ReLeCo Socio-Artistic Studies for Decoloniality and Sustainability. CIRCUL'ARTs aims to develop an innovative methodology to promote more circular and sustainable cities, based on the co-creation and sharing of diverse knowledge, including ancestral and indigenous voices. This approach aims to overcome the Eurocentric perspective and incorporate local and creative strategies. This project will use artistic practices to facilitate the exchange of information and create thematic solutions, developing a sustainable and circular methodology. This will be applied in three areas of urban circular economies through specific case studies: food systems, construction/housing processes and public spaces.

Climate change impacts on mental health in Europe (CliMent) involves 28 countries, with Portugal as the lead country. Mental health problems are a significant issue in Europe, and climate change represents a major risk with unpredictable consequences. However, the relationship between climate change and mental health is little explored. The CliMent project aims to: a) understand how climate change affects mental health in Europe; b) explore and develop coping strategies; c) implement short-term behavioural interventions to promote social action; and d) promote long-term sustainability. CliMent will utilise the European network to address mental health challenges related to climate change, hoping to accumulate scientific evidence, support the careers of mental health professionals, and empower citizens, educators and policymakers. In this way, it will help Europe to maintain individual and social well-being in the face of the challenges of climate change.

Architectural and Urban Ambiances of European Cities involves 18 countries, with Portugal being the proponent country. This COST-ACTION project aims to address quality of life problems in living spaces arising from a predominantly "bottom-up" approach to design and construction. By integrating this approach and emphasising sensory experiences, the project aims to create solutions that prioritise the human experience in urban planning.