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Science and Innovation Hub


The Science and Innovation Hub is the structure dedicated to the multiple opportunities that the science and innovation paradigm brings, namely in strengthening the integrated and comprehensive university model that fully fulfils its mission.

This Hub aims to reinforce ILIND's competence structure, in conjunction with the Pro-Rectory for Science and Innovation, as well as ULusófona's UI&Ds.

Ordem de Serviço Nº. 6/2025 (PT)


Universidade Lusófona has established ILIND - Instituto Lusófono de Investigação e Desenvolvimento (Lusófono Institute for Research and Development), with the aim of promoting links between scientific research and teaching activities at its educational establishments. ILIND is an organic research unit with the following objectives:

  • Promote research and development (R&D) and disseminate knowledge in the various scientific areas it deals with;
  • Coordinating and systematising the research activities carried out by the R&D units of the above-mentioned educational establishments, in particular monitoring the process of preparing, submitting and managing research projects, as well as supporting the processes undertaken by individual researchers;
  • Coordinating the R&D process and advanced training at doctoral programme level in the various research units of the educational establishments, taking the common scientific areas of training as a starting point;
  • Promote scientific exchange with national, foreign and international institutions and researchers;
  • Contribute to obtaining adequate logistical and financial resources to carry out the R&D activities it undertakes directly, as well as those that are the responsibility of the units of the educational establishments whose research it coordinates;
  • Encourage the presentation of interdisciplinary projects, involving the research units of all educational establishments;
  • Create networks for scientific and cultural extension and community services.

Ordem de Serviço Nº. 93/2010 (PT)

ILIND comprises the following service units:

Science and Innovation Incentive Unit / Pre-Award

It is responsible for supporting all U&I applications for competitive external funding, as well as researchers' applications for competitive funding programmes.

Projects and Activities Monitoring Unit

It is responsible for coordinating the activity of the various science managers integrated into each of the University's U&I, as well as ensuring the management of the various internal programmes for funding and boosting science and innovation.

Knowledge and Technology Reporting, Dissemination and Transfer Unit

It is responsible for managing reporting processes to external organisations, monitoring ethical validation processes by the respective Commission, disseminating open science practices and policies, managing knowledge and technology transfer processes and managing intellectual property.