SeHeMe: See Me, Hear Me
From 2015 to 2018, according to Eurostat, 1.9 million people received international protection
in the EU, either as refugees or as beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, or received a
humanitarian residence permit. More than 80 % were below the age of 34. Many of those
granted asylum are young people. They are likely to stay and settle in the EU. (FRA,2019)
The motivation for the SeHeMe project derived from the difficulties, which young migrants and
refugees face during their attempt to get integrated into the society of the host country.
It seeks to help this process by providing the target group with a media voice. More
specifically, it will offer language and media literacy training to youth newcomers (refugees,
asylum seekers and migrants) recently settled in host countries. This will be accomplished
through the establishment of an online magazine run entirely by migrants and refugees
supported by language learning and media literacy tools tailored to their educational needs.
The project will focus on the “why’s” (environmental, political, modern-day slavery, social and
economic) and “how’s” (facilitators and traffickers) of the situations they came from. There is
no media source asking why and what are our responsibilities as fellow human beings are
towards immigrants.
The objectives of the SeHeMe project are:
1. To provide language and media literacy education simultaneously to young immigrants and
newly arrived young immigrants in a host country.
2. To ease young immigrants’ integration into their host country by giving them a voice
through which they can express themselves and share their experiences.
Program Erasmus +
Project Reference
01/11/2022 to 31/10/2024
24 mounths
- Ana Cunha (Lead Investigator)
- Anabela Mateus
The Project reunited 6 partners:
- COFAC - Cooperativa de Formação e Animação Cultural, C.R.L.
- Eurospeak Limited
- PADIL, SERVICES…à la portée des associations…
Ana Cunha