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Workshops de formação: O Impacto Social da Investigação

O Impacto societal da Investigação é o impacto que a investigação tem fora do meio académico. Inclui a forma como a investigação beneficia ou contribui para as mudanças na economia, sociedade, cultura, política ou serviços públicos, saúde, ambiente ou qualidade de vida.

Não perca os workshops de formação!

Session 1: Introduction to Research Impact

This session will include an overview of different definitions of research impact used in the UK, Europe and globally; different types of impact and impact pathways; an explanation of the differences between outputs, outcomes and impact; and a summary of typical impact stakeholders.

Session 2: Evidencing Impact

This session will give participants a grounding in impact evidence, including different impact indicators and evidence types, together with methods and general guidance for evidence.

Session 3: Communicating Impact (How to write an effective impact narrative)

This session will explore how to use narrative as a useful tool for evidencing social and economic impact of research. It will cover best practice drawing on examples of impact case studies from the UK’s Research Excellence Framework. This session will assist attendees in developing the “Contributions to science and society” section of their report.

Os workshops terão a Welcott Communications como oradores, e poderá assistir através do link.